All of us noticed the inaccurate Google Analytics Traffic Reports, especially when hiring a freelancer to work on a new feature or so. That’s because Google Analytics keep counting our traffic as Pageviews/Sessions to our site. In this article, I am going to show you how to fix this and stop Google Analytics from counting your visits – or a freelancer’s visits.

Block an IP Address Traffic in Google Analytics

Let’s see how we can block traffic coming from a specific IP Address:

In case you are new to Google Analytics, I recommend reading Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Google Analytics (2019 Interface) from Website Planet 👍

  • Go to “Admin” from your Dashboard

How to stop Google Analytics to count your own visits

  • Choose “All Filters” from the Account Tab

How to stop Google Analytics to count your own visits

*If you didn’t choose your account, click on that “ComboBox” above, and select the domain that you need to set a “Filter” to

  • Then, click on “Add Filter” to add our filter

How to stop Google Analytics to count your own visits

After clicking on “All Filters” the view will be expanded, and you will see the “Add Filter” button

  • Here is the final and last step, to configure your filter, this is the basic configuration:

Google Analytics Basic Configurations to stop counting visits from a specific IP Address

Basic Configurations in Google Analytics to stop counting visits from a specific IP

  • Filter Name: Write whatever name you like
  • Filter Type: If you aren’t experienced enough – Choose “Predefined”
  • Choose”Exclude” to exclude our IP Address only, and keep counting the visits for other IPs
  • Choose “Traffic from the IP Addresses” option
  • Choose “That are equal to”, to exclude exactly the following IP Address
  • IP Address: Write your IP Address here – If you don’t know your IP, get it  from Whatismyipaddress – If you are hiring a freelancer, ask for his/her IP Address to filter it!
  • Select the “All Web Site Data” from the left side (Available Views) then click Add to add them to the right side (Selected Views) – If you have multiple websites on this Account, you will find them listed below so that you can specify which one to select in this Filter.

Congratulations, we are done! 🎉

The filter might take a couple of minutes to be applied

That’s it, now you’ve added your first filter in Google Analytics, so that you can get accurate visits reports. I highly recommend doing the following steps to any IP Address you are using personally that you don’t want them to be counted as well

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